Book transfers / Acquisitions or mergers

Confirmation of book transfers, acquisitions or mergers must be received from both parties and be confirmed by a director of the business. Details should be emailed to and the following information should be provided:

  • A confirmation letter (on headed paper) or email from the current broker. The letter must be from a director of the business, give clear instructions when the transfer is to take place, confirm the policies affected and provide details of the new broker taking over the book of business
  • A confirmation letter (on headed paper) or email from the new broker. The letter must be from a director of the business, give clear instructions when the transfer is to take place, confirm the policies affected and provide the full name, address and contact details of the broker
  • A contact name who will be responsible for any enquiries
  • Confirmation of which broker will be responsible for settlement of any outstanding premiums
  • For book transfers only (i.e., not full acquisitions) we will need a list of policies which require transferring

If you do not currently hold an agency with us however are taking on a book of business placed with Commercial Express,  please complete our Agency Application form that can be found at the following link or by accessing our website as shown below:

register agency