Tattoo & Body Piercing

Scheme: BRIT Syndicate 2987 at Lloyd’s / Axis Managing Agency Ltd

Package Policy with selectable Cover Options, Sums Insured and Limits of Liability
Optional Treatment Extension – Cover includes a wide range of Tattoo and Piercing Treatments
PI cover included for £50,000 in the Aggregate – Free of Charge
Flexible Underwriting approach backed by Exceptional Service
Backed by A Rated Insurers

The Tattoo & Body Piercing product is designed for freelance/mobile tattoo and/or body piercing artists or for individuals/companies that own and/or operate a tattoo and/or body piercing studio.

The Product is flexible and meets the insurance needs of the industry. There are various limits of liability available under the Public & Products Liability sections of cover (£1,2 & 5 million) plus there is the option to add on Employers’ liability insurance. Treatment cover can be included for various, selectable indemnity limits of liability. CE offer cover for an approved list of treatments/activities. The policy automatically includes a PI extension for £50,000 in the aggregate.

There are also options to add cover for portable equipment.  Those with premises can extend cover to include buildings, contents, stock, business interruption, money, goods in transit and book debts.

Brit underwrite the material damage sections and Axis underwrite the liability portion of the cover.

In addition, the product also provides the option to add cover Legal Expenses and Terrorism insurance.

Core Covers

Liability Sections

  • Public Liability Cover
  • Products’ Liability Cover
  • Employers’ Liability Cover (Optional)
  • PI cover £50,000 in the aggregate

Material Damage

  • Property damage – options to insure building, contents, stock, TI. Portable cover available
  • Business Interruption – Gross revenue basis
  • Money, Book Debts
  • Goods in Transit

For further information on Limits and Exclusions please click here to download the policy documentation

Features & Benefits – Buildings, Stock & Contents

  • Capital Additions & Alterations Cover
  • Loss of Metered Water, Gas & Electricity charges – Up to £10,000
  • Glass & Sanitary Fittings – Up to £10,000
  • Debris Removal Cover – Up to £10,000
  • Architects, Surveyors, Legal Fees – Up to £50,000
  • Extinguishment Expenses Cover – Up to £10,000
  • Fly Tipping Cover – Up to £5,000
  • Trace & Access Cover – Up to £250,000
  • Arson, Theft & Criminal Acts Rewards Costs – Up to £10,000
  • Landscape grounds – Up to £25,000
  • Automatic Reinstatement of Sums Insured – £50,000 any one occurrence
  • Loss of Metered Water – Up to £10,000
  • Replacement of locks Cover – Up to £25,000
  • Temporary Removal of Contents Cover – Up to £100,000
  • Tree Removal Cover – Up to £2,500
  • Unauthorised Use of Utilities Cover – Up to £25,000

Features & Benefits – Business Interruption

  • Auditors’ Fees Cover – Up to £10,000
  • Denial of Access Cover – Up to £50,000
  • Increased Cost of Working Cover – Up to £50,000
  • Infestation & Defective Sanitation Cover – Up to £50,000
  • Outstanding Debit Balances Cover – selectable up to £10,000
  • Public Utilities Cover – Up to £50,000
  • Suppliers Cover – Up to £10,000

Features & Benefits – Liability Sections

  • PI cover included – Up to £50,000
  • Worldwide Products Cover (Ex USA/Canada)
  • Unsatisfied Court Judgments Cover
  • Indemnity to Others Cover
  • Defective Premises Act Defence Costs
  • Motor Contingent Liability Cover
  • Overseas Personal Liability Cover
  • Consumer Protection Act and Food Act Defence Costs
  • Includes Compensation for Court Attendance
  • Criminal Prosecution Costs and Inquests Defence Costs

Optional Extras

  • Legal Expenses Cover
  • Terrorism Cover
  • Property Damage
  • Portable Equipment & Stock Cover
  • Business Interruption
  • Buildings Cover
  • Goods in Transit
  • Money Cover
  • Personal Assault Cover
  • Employers Liability
  • Treatment cover
  • Book Debts Cover

Insurer Rating


AM Best


BRIT Syndicate 2987 at Lloyd’s

Axis Managing Agency Ltd



